Airdrop: A free distribution of small amounts of a certain newly introduced cryptographic token to the holders of existing tokens based on their respective holding amount
CEX: Centralized Exchange
CPDM: The Content Provider Data Matrix
DApp: Decentralized Application
Game Token: A virtual game asset used in games within the Xterio Platform
Liquidity Pool: Blockchain technology that supports exchanging tokens to other tokens
NFT: Non-Fungible Token
Node: A single server unit, composing a network
XTER: the native token in respect of the Xterio Platform
Smart Contract: A computer protocol intended to automatically facilitate, verify, or enforce performance of a contract when the conditions, which are programmed and stored in an electronic contract document in advance, are completely fulfilled
Staking: The process of locking up tokens in order to obtain rewards
Token Economy: A form of behavior modification designed to encourage certain target behavior by providing tokens as rewards which can be exchanged for tangible/intangible reinforcers
TPS: Transactions Per Second
Treasury: Funds used for the purpose of operating an ecosystem
Virtual asset: A term used to mean game assets, items, resources, and opportunities to play within a game, and the like, which are used by users to access certain content within the game
Wallet: An electronic wallet enabled to store and manage cryptographic game assets
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